Dawah & Tabligh
Let us stop fighting and build one united Ummah. Avoid dividing the Ummah into groups or factions. Do not label anyone as kafir, murtad, or munafiq. Refrain from spreading fitnah within the Ummah.
Despite differences, strive to walk together in unity. Do not exploit the division within Tabligh for personal agendas.
Let us stop fighting and build one united Ummah. Avoid dividing the Ummah into groups or factions. Do not label anyone as kafir, murtad, or munafiq. Refrain from spreading fitnah within the Ummah. Despite differences, strive to walk together in unity. Do not exploit the division within Tabligh for personal agendas.
#OneUmmah #UnityInIslam #IslamicSolidarity #Tabligh #PeaceInIslam #MuslimUnity #AvoidFitnah #TogetherWeStand #IslamicMessage